2021, another lost year.

Everyone lost a ton in 2020 with Covid, mine sucked because both my folks were diagnosed with stage four cancer – I’m an only child to divorced parent who live 30 and 90 minutes from me. 2021 started with losing my Mom in February, then my Aunt Cathie a few weeks ago. Cancer is insidious, it takes everything from you then most of the time it kills you anyway. My Aunt Cathie took her own way out before cancer could take her. I’m still struggling with that.

I feel like I’m untethered and I’m learning way too much about estate procedures. And that Bank of America is the worst place ever to have an account when someone dies.

Intertwined with that, is our our pride and joy over Hayley graduating college (Criminal Justice major, Psychology minor). We are thrilled that Hayley was hired for the first job she applied for and she works for the State of NC in Public Safety.

Graduation was the last time we saw my Aunt Cathie too. I’m so glad she came with us. Bittersweet though.

I’m slowly trying to get back to normal or whatever the new normal will be for me. I’ll get some photos up soon or you can just look at them over https://www.flickr.com/photos/hillison/collections

Joanne “Jo” Falconer Perry, https://www.cremnc.com/obituary/joanne-perry

Katherine “Cathie” Helen Falconer https://www.cremnc.com/obituary/katherine-falconer

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