Hayley’s Livescribe tutorials/examples

Hayley has lucked out and has an exceptional science teacher, Bill Ferriter. Hayley and I have enjoyed talking technology with him over the first semester and she lucked out when he asked her to do a neat project for him. Over break, he got a Livescribe, a smart pen that records while you write and connects the audio to the text or drawing. Think of the possibilities of taking notes (for school, work, whatever) and then being able to touch the pen to a word and you hear the audio recorded at the time) or being able to explain and draw out something with words and images – for visual learners, this is really cool. Also when you write in the special notebooks it can also create a combined visual/audio ‘tutorial’ that can be uploaded online. Way nifty.

If you want more background (and I suspect Grandpa John will), you can read this post of his about getting the pen and his ideas for it, Teaching and Learning with Livescribe Pens.

He wanted to get some examples to share at school so he selected Hayley and gave her the pen for the weekend to see what she could create. We had a lot of fun playing with it and she was really proud he picked her to work on this. He was thrilled with her work and posted them online. We are really proud of her!

The Energy of a Touchdown Pass

Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout:

(this is one of both of our favorite childhood poems. It’s too hard to draw in depth and read at the same time so I read it so Hayley could draw all the trash, haha)

You can see the posting/email her teacher sent to all the other parents about the project, Livescribe tutorials.

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